Unity Study Group 11/9/22 Handout David McClanahan david@davidmcclanahan.com 513 608-3829 http://www.davidmcclanahan.com/Unity.htm Spirituality - being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. A universal human experience - a sense of connection to something greater than the mundane self, the mundane life and finding a profound meaning for life. Spirituality - (CF) The consciousness that relates one directly to our source, God. Nurtured by prayer and other means (thoughts, worship). We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin) Spiritual evolution - the unfolding of the Spirit of God into expression. (CF) Spiritual evolution is the Awakening of the Individual Consciousness and its integration into the Person (soul, personality, knowledge, heart) In time, Spirituality and the Divine Relation become the context for Living an In Light (enlightened) Life. Life is mundane without Awakening. Spirituality results in internal transformation and shifts of viewpoint. Including Wisdom, Compassion, Spiritual Insight, Spiritual Vision. Awakening is never ending. Inayat Khan said: “To attain spirituality is to realize that the whole universe is one symphony in which every individual is one note. Our happiness lies in becoming perfectly harmonious with the symphony of the universe.” We are a wave in the cosmic ocean of life. People often say “I am spiritual not religious.” What is the basis, foundation for Spirituality? The Purposeful Life ? I may not like xxxx but I am happy to xxxxx because I wish to be xxxxxxxxxxx From New Thoughts on Unity : Joyous Spirituality (dmc) Spirituality is the process of aligning the Spirit, Soul, Heart and Mind with the Divine (and Divine Plan) which has been recognized, by grace as revelation. (Before revelation we may respond to the call of the Spirit by intuition, feeling or by faith.) Joy is a measure … as Joy is Bliss revealed , Sat revealed (sensed) , Chit revealed (recognized) // Compassion and Divine Love There are Awakenings Within the Awakening (and re-experienced at deeper levels) !! Compassion is a very powerful path for evolution == spirituality aligns us with the Divine Plan and we become conscious co-worker of the divine plan, our soul’s will becomes one with the Divine Will. Compassion opens to reveal Divine Love, like the famous painting of Divine Mercy // What Is Heart (Third Eye) “According to the great wisdom traditions ... the heart is first and foremost an organ of spiritual perception. Its primary function is to look beyond the obvious, the boundaried surface of things, and see into a deeper reality…” The Spiritual Senses “We have subtle subconscious faculties we are not using. Beyond the limited analytic intellect is a vast realm of mind that includes psychic and extrasensory abilities; intuition; wisdom; a sense of unity; aesthetic, qualitative and creative faculties; and image-forming and symbolic capacities. Though these faculties are many, we give them a single name with some justification for they are working best when they are in concert. They comprise a mind, moreover, in spontaneous connection to the cosmic mind. This total mind we call “heart.” “The heart is the antenna that receives the emanations of subtler levels of existence. The human heart has its proper field of function beyond the limits of the superficial, reactive ego-self. Awakening the heart, or the spiritualized mind, is an unlimited process of making the mind more sensitive, focused, energized, subtle, and refined, of joining it to its cosmic milieu, the infinity of love.” “Awakening the heart, or the spiritualized mind, is an unlimited process of making the mind more sensitive, focused, energized, subtle, and refined, of joining it to its cosmic milieu, the infinity of love.” From Living Presence: A Sufi Guide to Mindfulness and the Essential Self by Kabir Helminski. The experience of joy is connected to the heart and the cultivation of the heart and the subtle awareness of the highest vibrations of consciousness. This is why the development of the subtle senses, of the intuitive perception, is so important to knowing reality. This is why the profound insight into the nature of spirituality as the relationship with the Divine is only possible in this subtle space. At this level of the experience, it is only the relationship with the Divine that unfolds the greatest joy. It is the recognition and the relationship with the Divine is what is key and it is the subtle awareness which is key to bring Presence to the most beautiful part of ourselves and in that connect with the Divine Spark and the Divine Being. The greatest beauty is the relationship with the Divine. All beauty comes from the Radiance of the Divine. Therefore all beauty is an expression of the Light of Divine. And the Practice of Radiance conveyed to other beings is the greatest joy we can have. In that process we will see it as light and connection and peace and joy beyond measure. The Way of Radiance ultimately is one of radiating it to others, once the Divine Relationship is realized. Don’t Miss the Bliss Ecstasy is Hard to Refuse Actualization of Consciousness is through presence = power of Spirit’s attention expresses the nature of the True Self. ________________ The Divine Spark .. it is thanks to the existence within him of this immortal spark from the central fire, that man is implicitly a “child of the infinite.” The mystic way must therefore be a life, a discipline, which will so alter the constituents of his mental life as to include this spark within the conscious field; bring it out of the hiddenness, from those deep levels where it sustains and guides his normal existence, and make it the dominant element round which his personality is arranged. (Underhill) Restated: 1. ... because of the existence within us of the Divine Spark, every soul is implicitly a “child of the infinite.” 2. The mystic way must be an awakening to include this spark within the conscious field and make it the principle element around which our personality is arranged. 3. It is hidden; in those deep levels where it sustains and guides our daily existence, Implicitly (defined) - without qualification: absolutely; indirectly expressed We are the Self with the spark within. Each Soul has a Spirit. Spirituality - reorganization of Self ; the alignment of the Spirit, Soul, Mind and Divine * Truly begins when we recognize the Divine Spark and that becomes integrated into consciousness. Awakening then can be seen In the context of the Divine Relationship. Mysticism begins with the Divine Relationship. * Divine Spark - Self Realization may come as Insight, Intuition, realization and requires integration (actualizing). Recognize the Divinity Within and Transform the World When we come to the realization that each person is God playing a role as a unique and creative expression of the Divine, no matter how they may be acting, then we come to a different way of relating — one born of respect, awe and compassion. With this single realization and direct experience the world would transform instantly. (dmc) Be the change you wish to see. (Gandhi) ________________ Mysticism is the science of union with the Divine. Mysticism is the art of union with Reality Mysticism is the art of the spiritual Life. This quote guides us to look within where we find that mysticism is an essential part of our nature, our True Self. Underhill says that: “Mysticism is the innate tendency of the human spirit towards the complete harmony with the Absolute. It is a process in which the individual soul moves toward final and utterly ineffable union with the Absolute.” The Absolute The One Eternal Being, Consciousness, Bliss. Transcendent, Radiant, the Supreme Being. The Source of All. Love, the source of Love. Mystic (E.U.) Where the philosopher guesses and argues, the mystic lives and looks; and speaks, consequently, the disconcerting language of first-hand experience, not the neat dialectic of the schools. Hence whilst the Absolute of the metaphysicians remains a diagram—impersonal and unattainable—the Absolute of the mystics is lovable, attainable, alive. How is It Known? Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin) Upleveled to - becoming a Conscious Co-worker with the Divine. (Manifesting the Divine) We have two aspects: The Individual (Spirit) (Unity) True Self, unlimited spiritual consciousness. One with God. (Unblemished, pure, eternal) The Person (Personality) (Unity) Sum total of characteristics that we’ve developed. Awakening to the relationship with the Divine. As the True Self emerges the personality decreases. (John the Baptist). This is wholeness, perfect balance. In “clarity”, we are in touch with the True Self and eternity and infinite spaciousness. When we are connected to our True Self we are living, speaking in the Radiance of Being. If we get distracted and fall out of presence, we lose the Radiance, the Divine and fall into the mundane. The mirror is still the mirror, but it is covered with dust. (Obscurations, filters) “Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ― Berthold Auerbach The body is a Bodhi-tree (vehicle of Life (True Self, Wisdom, LIght) ) The soul a shining mirror: Polish it in every moment Or dust will dull the image Bodhi is not a tree; There is no shining mirror. Since All begins with Nothing Where can dust collect? – Zen meaning is that consciousness is outside of the sphere of philosophical inquiry Dust - polishing is to let go, release stories etc. “Polishing in every moment” is Presence. Other ways that align us (remove the dust) include service (seva) , anything that returns us to Presence. Consciousness is the answer. Polishing the mirror - Living Presence It may be easy to respect the Gift of the Divine Spark. It may take some work to respect the person that we are (choosing to be). So it must be good to reconnect with the True Self and bring that to the Person. Remembering, Recollection In time, we never forget, never lose our True Self. //the Revealing Word Star (morning star) - represent’s soul’s first awakening before he realizes his Christ wisdom and power. Heralds the coming Light and Power of God. Christ - the true light, which guides us within; potential perfection in each person. The Divine (acting) in the awakened person. Christ - second coming - The awakening and the regeneration of the subconscious mind through the superconscious (Christ Mind) Faith - the perceiving power of the mind linked with the power to shape substance, to do the impossible, draws sacred desires to us. A deep inner knowing that that hoped for, is already ours (within us). The assurance of things hoped for. Knowing the unseen. The ultimate ground of Faith is knowing one is the child of God. Conversion - letting go of sin but more deeply - change of heart, new Life in Christ, uplifted to an exalted consciousness (Divine, heavenly) Spirit baptizes mind , body with spiritual essences and one lives a new Life. Spirituality in Unity Redemption - person transformed to conform to the Truth of our spiritual Self. Regeneration - clearing of our conscious mind - correction of thinking and actions. Subconscious then completes this work. The Holy Spirit then is connected and working within us. Consciousness expands to include the Divine. … the awakening of this dazen--this spark of the soul--with its innate capacity for apprehending the Absolute. Moves beyond .. sense-fed and self-centered mundane life of the normal self, reveals a new universe, lit up by the Uncreated Light. These events which, taken together, constituted the "Mystic Life” leading from man to God. 1. “The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of all true art and science. 2. To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly; this is religiousness / spirituality / mysticism. In this sense, and in this sense only, I am a devoutly religious man.” ________________ Contemplation In a religious context, the practice of contemplation seeks a direct awareness of the divine which transcends the intellect, often in accordance with prayer or meditation. a state of mystical awareness of God's being. Contemplation “the putting to sleep of that "Normal Self" which usually wakes, and the awakening of that "Transcendental Self" which usually sleeps.” Merton “The deep transcendent Self that awakens only in contemplation” Contemplation contemplation is an act of love, the wooing, not the critical study, of Divine Reality. UE PM It is an eager outpouring of ourselves towards the Divine Life for which we feel a passion of desire; a seeking, touching, and tasting, of the beautiful and true wherever found. Contemplation, is vision, the passionate and self-forgetful act of communion, “pressed” in the direction of Ultimate Beauty, . loving intuition is the only certain guide. Underhill, Evelyn. Practical Mysticism (p. 28). Waxkeep Publishing. Kindle Edition. Transcends Prepare … sit and relax , reflect on the wonder, the gift of the Divine Spark with that first form of contemplation which the old mystics sometimes called the “discovery of God in His creatures.” Knowing, feeling this light within , shouldn’t we drop our barriers and join the joy of others You create yourself daily (New Seeds of Contemplation). CONTEMPLATION is the highest expression of man’s intellectual and spiritual life. It is that life itself, fully awake, fully active, fully aware that it is alive. It is spiritual wonder. It is spontaneous awe at the sacredness of life, of being. It is gratitude for life, for awareness and for being. It is a vivid realization of the fact that life and being in us proceed from an invisible, transcendent and infinitely abundant Source. Contemplation is, above all, awareness of the reality of that Source. ________________ Tenet - principle held true in religion or philosophy Five Principles of Unity 1. There is only One Power and One Presence active in the universe and all life, God, the Good, Omnipotent. 2. Our essence is of God; therefore, we are inherently good. This God essence was fully expressed in Jesus, the Christ, and is equally expressed in us. 3. We are co-creators with God, creating reality through thoughts held in mind. 4. Through affirmative prayer and meditation, we connect with God and bring out the good in life. 5. Through thoughts, words and actions, we live in the truth we know CF = Charles Filmore IT IS POSSIBLE to restructure the brain so that there is more conscious awareness. This has been called polishing the mirror, awakening from sleep, cultivating the witness, and developing the real “I.” Through changing the energy level of the brain, we can activate a different kind of brain function—a finer attention that stands above routine, habitual thought, feeling, and behavior. This presence—this conscious, listening mind—not only opens a window on our experience, it also connects us to the source of will. Attention can be called the first act of the will. It establishes the relationship between observer and experience, raising the level of experience and transforming a biological automaton into a sensitive being. It is this sensitivity that makes the difference between being nominally awake and experiencing life as the gift it is. the goal is to sustain the fresh edge of sensitive awareness through the circumstances of their daily life. .. and not to settle for routines and habits. A change in vibration occurs when we move from passive attention to active attention. THE PRACTICE OF PRESENCE invites us to a conscious relationship with God. .. the capacity to remember God is related to the ability to be awake, to be here. To act with intention, with reflection, with self-vigilance, and with beneficence presumes a state of conscious presence. This awakened state of consciousness opens us to awe and wonder. It adds further dimensions to being in this world. it is the master key to unlocking our latent human potential .. all of life is made sacred. Presence signifies the quality of consciously being here. It is the activation of a higher level of awareness Helminski, Kabir Edmund. Living Presence ________________ Practical mysticism The active man is a mystic when he knows his actions to be a part of a greater activity. a perpetual revelation of beauty and wonder. … latent faculties, a bracing and brightening of his languid consciousness, an emancipation from the fetters of appearance, a turning of his attention to new levels of the world. Thus he may become aware of the universe which the spiritual artist is always trying to disclose to the race. This amount of mystical perception— this “ordinary contemplation,” as the specialists call it— The Interpreted World Representation of Mind .. man dwells, under normal conditions, in an interpreted world that filters out most of the moment’s perception; that the universe in which he lives and at which he looks is but a construction which the mind creates, and presents as a tapestry picture and the scene which it imitates rather than directly perceive Reality …