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The Moon

18 THE MOON - Mystery, Imagination, Dreams, Visions, Psychic power, Inspiration, Unconsciousness, Instinct, Depth, Enchantment. (feminine... negative energy), emotional rollercoaster. Crisis (of faith) Shift/opening oppertunity for New Insights. Madness, Depression, and self-absorbtion. Cycles. Clarification of karmic energies. Shadow! Deception.

Astrology: Pisces (Neptune, Jupiter) - transcending ordinary reality. Feeling, understanding, having compassion and identifying the ideal; working with the intangible Hebrew: Qoph - Back of the head. The subconscious. TOL: Yesod to Malkhut. Subconscious into physical.

REVERSED Fear, Illusion, Anxiety, Deception, Bewilderment, Confusion, Misunderstanding
